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      STS Torque Sensors STS Torque Sensors,The CHATILLON? STS Series torque sensors are full-bridge strain gauge sensors complete with 15-pin plug.
      TLC Series Load Cells TLC Series Load Cells,The CHATILLON? TLC Series load cells are full-bridge strain gauge sensors complete with 15-pin plug. These load cells are used with the Chatillon TCD110, TCD225 and TCD1100
      SLC Series Load Cells SLC Series Load Cells.The CHATILLON? SLC Series load cells are full-bridge strain gauge sensors complete with 15-pin plug. These load cells are used with the Chatillon DFS-R-ND
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      電話:0756-3353658 3351758 傳真:0756-3361895 地址:珠海市香洲區迎賓北路2111號卓夫國貿金融大廈3420 郵編:519015
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